Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Blog posts : "General"

Saint Anthony Abbot: The Father of Monasticism

Saint Anthony Abbot: The Father of Monasticism

In the annals of Christian history, few names resonate as profoundly as that of Saint Anthony Abbot. Born around 251 AD in Coma (modern-day Qumans), a small village in Middle Egypt, Anthony's life is a testament to spiritual resilience and the quest for divine connection. His journey from a wealthy heir to the father of Christian monasticism is a narrative steeped in devotion, sacrifice, and unyielding faith.

Early Life and Call to Asceticism

Anthony was born into a prosperous family. However, tragedy struck early with the death of his parents when he was about 18 or 20 years old. Inheriting considerable wealth and responsibility for his younger sister, Anthony soon found himself grappling with the temporal and the divine.

Inspired by the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven" (Matthew 19:21), Anthony chose to forsake his worldly possessions. He gave away his inherited wealth to the poor, entrusted his sister to a group of Christian virgins, and embarked on a life of asceticism.

The Desert Years and Spiritual Battles

Anthony retreated to the desert, seeking solitude and spiritual enlightenment. For nearly 20 years, he lived in complete isolation, combating physical temptations and demonic assaults. His retreat to the desert wasn't merely an escape but a battlefront for spiritual warfare. The tales of his encounters with demons, though embellished over centuries, highlight the intensity of his spiritual struggles.

His commitment drew others seeking spiritual guidance. By the time he emerged from his retreat, Anthony had become a beacon of monastic life, inspiring a generation of monks to embrace a life of prayer, fasting, and manual labor. He founded numerous monastic communities, laying the foundation for Christian monasticism.

Legacy and Influence

Anthony’s life was chronicled by his contemporary, Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, in the "Life of Anthony." This seminal work became a cornerstone of monastic literature, influencing countless souls across generations and regions.

Saint Anthony’s influence extended beyond monastic circles. His life and teachings inspired the likes of Saint Augustine, Saint Benedict, and many other pivotal figures in Christian history. The monastic rule attributed to Anthony emphasized humility, charity, and unwavering faith, principles that continue to resonate within monastic communities today.

Saint Anthony in Art and Culture

Saint Anthony's legacy also permeates art and culture. Depictions of Anthony in art often portray his trials in the desert, symbolizing the eternal struggle between good and evil. His feast day, celebrated on January 17th, is a significant event in the liturgical calendar, observed with reverence and festivities, particularly in regions with a strong monastic tradition.


The story of Saint Anthony Abbot is more than just a historical account; it's an enduring narrative of faith, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of spiritual truth. His life continues to inspire those who seek a deeper connection with the divine, reminding us that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the treasures of the spirit.


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Happy Catholic New Year!

The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the new Catholic Liturgical Year!  Happy New Year!

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The Ascencion of Jesus: A Catholic Perspective

The Ascension of Jesus: A Catholic Perspective

The Ascension of Jesus Christ is a cornerstone of Christian faith and particularly significant in Catholic doctrine. It marks the moment when, after His resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven in the presence of His disciples.

Understanding the Ascension

The Ascension, as described in the New Testament of the Bible, took place 40 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. The event is vividly depicted in the Acts of the Apostles (1:9-11), where it is written that Jesus was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of the sight of the disciples.

The Ascension is not merely about Jesus’ departure from Earth, but it signifies His enthronement as Heavenly King. Jesus’ earthly mission had been accomplished, and He was returning to His Father to continue His work from heaven.

Theological Significance

From a Catholic perspective, the Ascension is a pivotal moment in salvation history. It signifies the glorification of Jesus, affirming His divinity and His reign in God’s Kingdom. It also marks the end of Jesus’ physical presence in human form on Earth, paving the way for the Holy Spirit’s descent at Pentecost.  

The Ascension assures us of Jesus’ promise in John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” This promise of eternal life is a fundamental hope in Catholic faith.

The Ascension and the Mass

The Ascension has a profound connection with the Holy Mass, the central act of worship in our Catholic faith. During the Eucharist, we Catholics believe that we literally partake in Jesus’ Body and Blood, a belief rooted in the Last Supper. The Ascension underscores the mystery of the Eucharist, reminding us that Christ, though ascended, is still present in a real and substantial manner in the sacrament.  The bread literally becomes the body of Christ and the wine literally becomes his blood.  The properties of bread and wine remain.  This change is known as Transubstantiation.


The Ascension of Jesus is a profound mystery that transcends human understanding, yet it is central to Catholic faith and spirituality. It reminds us of Jesus’ victory over death, His divine kingship, and His abiding presence among us. As we navigate our earthly pilgrimage, the Ascension serves as a beacon of hope, pointing us towards our heavenly home.

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Ash Wednesday: A Catholic Perspective

Among the beautiful, meaningful, and solemn ceremonies of the Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday stands out as a pivotal day. It marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, a period of spiritual preparation leading up to the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. Let us delve into the significance of Ash Wednesday from a Catholic perspective.

Today, Ash Wednesday we begin the holy and Penitential season of Lent.

The term “Lent” originates from Old English, meaning “springtime.” By the second century, it described the period of individual fasting, almsgiving, and prayer in preparation for Easter. Initially, only catechumens (those aspiring for baptism) observed a defined period of preparation lasting just two or three days. Over time, Lent evolved into a 40-day season, mirroring biblical events associated with the number 40.  Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and the Israelites spent 40 years on their way to the promised land.

On Ash Wednesday, Catholics receive a cross-shaped mark of ashes on their foreheads. This ancient tradition has deep roots in the Old Testament, where wearing ashes symbolized repentance for sins and humility before God. The ashes serve as a visible reminder of our mortality and the need for spiritual renewal.

As we bear the ashes on our foreheads, we recognize our dependence on God’s mercy. We humbly seek forgiveness and commit to deeper prayer, penance, and acts of charity. Our Lenten journey leads us through the desert of self-examination, drawing us closer to the joy of Easter.

May this Ash Wednesday inspire us to  turn from sin, and walk the path of grace.

The ashes this wednesday also help us evangelize as we go out into the world people will see our ashes and be reminded of Jesus.  God Bless You!


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What is Three Kings Day? The Epiphany

The Epiphany: A Celebration of Divine Revelation

The Epiphany, also known as Theophany in the East, and as Three Kings Day in Latin America, is a significant event in the Catholic liturgical calendar. It is usually Celebrated on January 6th, in some Diocese of the United States it is celebrated on January 7th this year.   The Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season and the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God.

The Biblical Significance

The term 'Epiphany' comes from the Greek word 'Epiphaneia', meaning 'manifestation' or 'appearance'. In the context of the Christian faith, it refers to the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi, the wise men from the East.

The Gospel of Matthew (2:1-12) provides the biblical account of this event. The Magi, guided by a miraculous star, journeyed to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn king. Their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh hold deep symbolism: gold for a king, frankincense for God, and myrrh, a burial anointing oil, foreshadowing Jesus' death.

The Liturgical Celebration

The Epiphany is a feast of 'light' in the darkness. The star that guided the Magi is a symbol of the light of Christ reaching out to the gentile world. In many cultures, the Epiphany is celebrated with more grandeur than Christmas. It includes traditions such as the blessing of homes, the baking of a 'King's Cake', and even community processions.  In Puerto Rico and Latin America gifts are given to children on January 6th.

A Personal Epiphany

Beyond the historical and liturgical significance, the Epiphany invites us to a personal and transformative encounter with Christ. Just as the Magi were changed by their encounter with the infant Jesus, we too are called to be transformed by our encounter with Christ.

May this Epiphany bring you closer to the light of Christ and inspire you to shine that light for others. God bless you!  Happy Three Kings Day!

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What is All Saint's Day?

All Saints’ Day: A Catholic Perspective

All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1st, is a significant day for us Catholics.. This holy day of obligation is dedicated to all the saints of the Church. It’s not just for those who have been canonized, but for all who have made it to Heaven1.

The Communion of Saints

One of the key aspects of All Saints’ Day is the celebration of the communion of saints. According to Catholic doctrine, the communion of saints is “the spiritual solidarity which binds together the faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven in the organic unity of the same mystical body under Christ its head and in a constant interchange of supernatural offices”

This communion represents a spiritual union of the members of the Church — both living and deceased. We are all part of one body with Christ at the head. It’s a common bond we share with the saints.

The History

All Saints’ Day was initiated in the sixth century by Pope Boniface IV, who set aside a day in May for it in addition to consecrating the Pantheon at Rome to the Virgin Mary and all Catholic martyrs. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III dedicated November 1st to the saints and their relics.


All Saints’ Day serves as a reminder of our connection to those who have gone before us and our shared journey towards sainthood. It’s a day to honor all those who have passed on to the Kingdom of Heaven and celebrate our shared communion with them. As we remember and honor these saints, we are reminded of our own call to holiness and our place within this communion.  It is our primary goal to become saints.


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Go to Mass!

Unfortunately many Catholics do not go to Mass.  It is important that as Catholics we go to Mass. Attending Mass is an essential part of the Catholic faith. It is a time to come together as a community and celebrate the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith. Here are some reasons why attending Mass is important:

  1. Obligation: Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is a requirement for Catholics. It is one of the precepts of the Church, which are the minimum requirements for living a Catholic life.

  2. Worship: The Mass is the highest form of worship in the Catholic Church. It is a time to give thanks to God for all that He has done for us and to offer Him our praise and adoration.

  3. Community: Attending Mass is an opportunity to come together as a community of believers. We share in the same faith and are united in our love for God.

  4. Spiritual Nourishment: The Mass provides us with spiritual nourishment through the Word of God and the Eucharist. It is a time to reflect on our lives and to receive the grace we need to live as faithful Catholics.  We literally recieve Jesus at Mass.  The bread is no longer bread, but the body of Christ.  The wine is no loner wine but the blood of Christ.  Jesus also receives us.  

  5. Healing: The Mass is also a time for healing. We bring our brokenness and our pain to the altar, where we can find comfort and healing in Christ.  Every Mass is a healing Mass.

  6. Tradition: Attending Mass is a way to connect with the rich tradition of the Catholic Church. It is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation for over 2,000 years.

  7. Witness: By attending Mass, we bear witness to our faith in Christ. We show others that we are committed to living as faithful Catholics and that we are not afraid to share our faith with others.

In conclusion, attending Mass is an essential part of living a Catholic life. It provides us with spiritual nourishment, healing, and an opportunity to come together as a community of believers. It is also an opportunity to bear witness to our faith in Christ and to connect with the rich tradition of the Catholic Church.


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Celebrating the Queenship of Mary

Celebrating the Queenship of Mary

Today, August 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Queenship of Mary, a title that honors her role as the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven and Earth. This feast was established by Pope Pius XII in 1954, in his encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam1, but the devotion to Mary as Queen has roots in Scripture and Tradition.

Mary in Scripture

In the Old Testament, we find many examples of queens who were not the wives of the kings, but their mothers. These queens, known as the “Gebirah” or “Great Lady”, had a special position of honor and authority in the royal court. They also acted as intercessors for the people before the king. One of the most famous queens was Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon, who received a throne at his right hand and listened to the requests of those who came to her (1 Kings 2:19-20).

In the New Testament, we see that Mary is the mother of Jesus, who is the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that her Son would receive the throne of David and rule over the house of Jacob forever (Luke 1:32-33). At the Visitation, Elizabeth greeted Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43), a title that implies royal dignity. In the Book of Revelation, we see a vision of a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head (Revelation 12:1). This woman is identified as the mother of the male child who is destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod (Revelation 12:5). Many scholars agree that this woman represents both Mary and the Church, as they share in the same motherhood and mission.

Mary in Tradition

The early Church Fathers and Doctors recognized Mary as Queen by virtue of her divine maternity, her association with Christ’s redemptive work, her singular holiness, and her powerful intercession. They used various titles to honor her, such as “Lady”, “Sovereign”, “Queen”, and “Empress”. Some of the most famous hymns that praise her queenship are “Hail Holy Queen”, “Hail Queen of Heaven”, and “Salve Regina”.

The devotion to Mary as Queen was also expressed in art, architecture, liturgy, and popular piety. Many churches and cathedrals were dedicated to her , such as Notre Dame de Paris, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, and Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Many paintings and statues depicted her wearing a crown or being crowned by Jesus or angels. Many prayers and litanies invoked her as Queen of various attributes or groups, such as Queen of Peace, Queen of Angels, Queen of Martyrs, etc.

Celebrating the Queenship of Mary

The feast of the Queenship of Mary is a wonderful opportunity to renew our love and devotion to our heavenly Mother and Queen. We can celebrate this feast by:

  • Praying the Rosary, especially meditating on the fifth glorious mystery, which is the Coronation of Mary.
  • Singing or listening to hymns that honor her queenship, such as “Hail Holy Queen”, “Immaculate Mary”, or “Queen of Heaven Rejoice”.
  • Reading or listening to Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam1, which explains the meaning and importance of this feast.
  • Offering our lives to Mary’s service and imitating her virtues of humility, obedience, faith, hope, and charity.
  • Asking for her intercession for our personal needs and for the needs of the Church and the world.

Mary is our beautiful Queen who reigns with her Son in heaven. She is Queen of Heaven and Earth. She is also our loving Mother who cares for us on earth. Let us honor her today and always with our filial affection and gratitude. Hail Holy Queen!


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Organ Concert at Saint Christopher's

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Pentecost: A Celebration of the Holy Spirit's Transformative Power

Pentecost, a significant feast in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and marks the birth of the Christian Church. It is a time of great spiritual significance, as Catholics celebrate the powerful presence and transformative work of the Holy Spirit. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Pentecost from a Catholic perspective and delve into its profound implications for believers today.

The Historical Context: Pentecost derives its name from the Greek word "Pentēkostē," meaning "the fiftieth day." It originally referred to the Jewish festival of Shavuot, which celebrated the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. For the early Christians, Pentecost took on a new meaning as the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and empowered them to spread the message of Christ to the world.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit: In the Acts of the Apostles, we read about the dramatic events of the first Pentecost. The apostles, gathered in the Upper Room, were suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit, appearing as tongues of fire resting upon each of them. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit enabled them to speak in different languages, allowing people from various nations to hear the message of the Gospel in their own tongues.

The Birth of the Church: Pentecost marks the birth of the Church, as the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles to boldly proclaim the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through the Spirit's guidance, the apostles were transformed from timid disciples into courageous evangelizers, fearlessly spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth. The Church, animated by the Holy Spirit, continues this mission even today.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Pentecost also highlights the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts empower believers to live out their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and contribute to the building of a just and compassionate society. The Holy Spirit provides guidance, strength, and inspiration to navigate the challenges of life and grow in holiness.

The Sacrament of Confirmation: In the Catholic Church, the sacrament of Confirmation is closely associated with Pentecost. Through Confirmation, individuals receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and are sealed with the gifts necessary to live as mature and active members of the Church. This sacrament strengthens and deepens the grace received at Baptism, empowering individuals to witness to their faith and actively participate in the Church's mission.

The Renewing Power of the Holy Spirit: Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is not a distant figure but an active and transformative presence in our lives. The Spirit renews, sanctifies, and empowers us to live as authentic disciples of Christ. By opening our hearts to the Spirit's guidance, we can experience personal transformation, deepening our relationship with God and allowing His love to radiate through us to others.

Pentecost is a celebration of the Holy Spirit's transformative power and its ongoing work within the Catholic Church and the lives of believers. It reminds us that we are not alone in our faith journey; rather, we are constantly supported and guided by the Spirit. May Pentecost be a time for Catholics to renew their commitment to live in the Spirit's presence, embracing the gifts bestowed upon us and actively participating in the Church's mission of spreading God's love to the world.

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How to Celebrate Easter The Catholic Way: Traditions and Reflections

How-To Celebrate Easter the Catholic Way: Traditions and Reflections

As the spring awakens and the days get longer, the Catholic Church enters a season of rejoicing and reflection: Easter. This annual celebration marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the culmination of the Christian faith. While Easter is a tradition shared by all branches of Christianity, the Catholic Church has its unique way of celebrating this holy event. In this blog post, we will discover how to celebrate Easter the Catholic way by exploring its traditions and reflections.

Understanding the Significance of Easter in the Catholic Church.

The origins of Easter can be traced back to the Jewish holiday of Passover, which celebrates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, held on the eve of his crucifixion, was a Passover meal. The next day, Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected on the third day, which became the foundation of the Christian faith. For centuries, Easter has been celebrated as the most important event in the Catholic Church calendar, representing the redemption of humanity from sin and death.

The Importance of Easter in Catholic Theology.

Easter is not only a commemoration of an event but also a statement of faith. The resurrection of Jesus signifies the victory over evil, the triumph of life over death, and the promise of eternal life. It also affirms the divinity of Jesus and his role as the savior of the world. In Catholic theology, Easter is the cornerstone of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, which celebrates the presence of Christ in the body and blood of the believers.

The Traditional Practices of Easter in the Catholic Church.

Easter is preceded by forty days of preparation, known as Lent. During this period, Catholics engage in various spiritual disciplines, such as fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Fasting involves abstaining from food, drink, or other pleasures as a sign of penance and solidarity with the suffering Christ. Prayer is a way of communing with God and seeking guidance and forgiveness. Almsgiving is an act of charity towards the poor and needy, following the example of Jesus. Lent is a time of self-examination and renewal, leading to the celebration of Easter.

The Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, is a time of intense religious observance. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, where he was welcomed by the populace with palm leaves, an event that foreshadows his crucifixion. Holy Thursday marks the Last Supper, where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and instituted the Eucharist. Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion and death of Jesus, a solemn occasion of mourning and reflection. Holy Saturday is the day of waiting for the resurrection, a time to reflect on the brevity of life and the hope of eternal salvation.

The Easter Vigil: The Celebration of the Resurrection.

The Easter Vigil is the culmination of the liturgical year. It takes place on the evening of Holy Saturday and marks the beginning of Easter Sunday. The vigil consists of four parts: the Service of Light, the Liturgy of the Word, the Baptismal Rite, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Service of Light involves the blessing of the Paschal candle and the lighting of candles by the faithful, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. The Liturgy of the Word consists of readings from the Old and New Testaments, culminating in the proclamation of the Resurrection. The Baptismal Rite is a celebration of initiation into the Catholic Church, where catechumens receive the sacrament of Baptism and are welcomed as new members of the community. Finally, the Liturgy of the Eucharist commemorates the Last Supper and affirms the presence of Christ in the Eucharistic elements.

Reflections on the Spiritual Significance of Easter in the Catholic Faith.

Easter is a message of hope, renewal, and forgiveness in the Catholic faith. It signals that the darkness of sin and death can be overcome, and that life and love prevail. The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that God is merciful and just, and that He accepts the sacrifice of his son for the salvation of humanity. Easter is a call to redemption, to accept the gift of grace, and to transform our lives in accordance with the teachings of Christ. It is an invitation to forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved, and to rise from the ashes of despair and doubt.

The Symbolism of Easter: From the Cross to the Empty Tomb.

Easter is rich in symbolism, reflecting the central themes of the Christian faith. The cross is a symbol of the suffering and death of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of humanity. The empty tomb is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus, the triumph of life over death, and the promise of eternal salvation. The Paschal candle is a symbol of the light of Christ, shining in the darkness of the world, reminding us of the presence of God's grace. The use of water in the Baptismal Rite symbolizes the washing away of sin and the renewal of the soul.

The Role of Faith in Celebrating Easter: From Personal Devotion to Community Worship

Easter is not only a personal celebration but also a communal one. The Catholic faith is centered on the community, and Easter is an occasion to come together and affirm our common beliefs. The celebration of Easter involves the participation in various liturgical rites, prayers, and sacraments, creating a shared experience of faith. The role of faith in celebrating Easter is to reinforce our connection with God and with each other, to increase our spiritual awareness, and to deepen our sense of belonging to the Catholic Church.


In conclusion, Easter is a profound occasion for the Catholic Church, representing the central tenet of the Christian faith. The celebration of Easter involves a variety of rituals, practices, and reflections, culminating in the Easter Vigil. Easter is a message of hope, renewal, and forgiveness, symbolized by the cross, the empty tomb, and the Paschal candle. The role of faith in celebrating Easter is to connect with God and with each other, to renew our spiritual journey, and to affirm our identity as Catholics. May this Easter season bring you joy, peace, and blessings.


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[The Rev. Adaly Rosado (center) accepting the food drive with Dragon Master Robert Kim (far left), Sir Robbie Kim (far right), Sir Sal Gjecbritaj (2nd from right) and other instructors and students of Dragon Kim’s Karate USA.]

Dragon Kim’s Karate USA had begun a food collection in the summer of this year.  They needed a place to donate the food.  They asked one of their students, the Rev. Adaly Rosado, where the donation could be made.  Father Rosado quickly responded, “we have a food pantry.”  He is the Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint Christopher and Saint Margaret Mary, which covers the Grant City and Midland Beach neighborhoods of Staten Island.  The church has a food pantry which helps feed the hungry in all of Staten Island.  Since Father Rosado was both a student at the school and a priest at the church, it was decided that both organizations should unite to fight hunger on Staten Island.  Last month, the school donated approximately 200 pounds of food to the pantry.  In the future, more donations will be made.  Dragon Kim’s Karate USA has multiple locations on Staten Island and all will run food drives to help feed the hungry.

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Why can we eat meat today?

Today we celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord. This is when the angel Gabriel told Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus.  Mary accepts and Our Lord came into our world.  Today in the Catholic church, it is a solemnity.  A solemnity is the highest rank of all liturgical days.  Although it is a Friday in Lent today we can eat meat.  Please see Canon 1251.  For more information please read; Yes, you can eat meat on Friday for the Annunciation (aleteia.org)

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porque bendecimos las gargantas hoy?

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New website

Well I switched hosting providers and I went back to using this older version of the site because I like it better than the new version. 

Make sure you subscribe to my podcast at anchor.fm/padrerosado   also subscribe to my youtube channel which can be found at youtube.com/c/padrerosado

and soon on fatherrosadotv.com

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Holy Week

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What is Ash Wednesday?

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The Messianic Secret in the Gospel of Mark

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The Seven Sacraments

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Feliz Navidad

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20 blog posts